App/Xtn/Browser/TCP Server

From XOWA: the free, open-source, offline wiki application

XOWA can function as a basic TCP server. The primary purpose of the server is to support a Firefox addon. However, the functionality may be expanded in future releases.

Note that XOWA uses two ports for communications: an inbound port (defaults to 55000) and an outbound port (defaults to 55001). This may change in later implementations.

Test setup

  • Run xowa in server mode
java -jar /xowa/xowa_linux.jar --root_dir /xowa/ --app_mode server --server_port_recv 55000 --server_port_send 55001
  • Run xowa_tcp_console located in /xowa/bin/any/java/xowa/tcp_console/
java -jar /xowa/bin/any/java/xowa/tcp_console/xowa_tcp_console.jar 55000 55001 1000
  • Enter "Earth". The 1st 1000 characters of the wikitext for Earth will display on the console.

Server notes

There are three arguments related to server mode

  • --app_mode server
This will launch XOWA in server mode. It will continue to run until either
Control-C is pressed
It receives a command of "app.server.stop;"
  • --server_port_recv 55000
This specifies port 55000 as the port where XOWA will listen for messages. Clients will send messages to this port
  • --server_port_send 55001
This specifies port 55001 as the port where XOWA will send messages. Clients will listen for responses on this port

Console notes

There are four arguments related to the console app

  • 55000
This specifies port 55000 as the port where the client will send its messages
  • 55001
This specifies port 55001 as the port where the client will listen for responses
This specifies the wiki that will be used for page lookup
  • 1000
This specifies the maximum number of characters to be returned

After starting, the console takes 4 possible inputs:

  • <any page name>
the page name is sent to the XOWA server
the XOWA server will return the wikitext for that page
  • |server_exit
stops the server
  • |exit
stops the console
  • Ctrl+C
stops the console



Getting started



