
From XOWA: the free, open-source, offline wiki application

XOWA can import a wiki using a plain text file and a command-line.

Import through the command-line

  • Open up a command-line. For example, on Windows, run cmd
  • Run the following: java -jar C:\000\200_dev\110_java\400_xowa\bin\ --cmd_file C:\xowa\xowa_build.gfs --app_mode cmd
  • Wait about 10 minutes for the script to complete
  • Launch XOWA and enter in the URL bar

Import a different wiki by editing the build script

  • Open the following file in a text editor: C:\xowa\xowa_build.gfs. See Script below for the full text.
  • Replace all instances of with the domain name. For example, for English Wikipedia, use
  • Run the command-line import again.
  • Launch XOWA and enter in the domain name in the the URL bar.

Import a wiki with a manual download

Download the wiki dump

  • Navigate to
  • Click on the latest directory
  • Download the file just under "Articles, templates, media/file descriptions, and primary meta-pages.". It should read enwiki-latest-pages-articles.xml.bz2
The download is 11+ GB and may take anywhere between 2 and 5 hours to complete.
If you also want talk pages, you should download the "Recombine all pages, current versions only." version. It should read enwiki-latest-pages-meta-current.xml.bz2. Note that this dump is twice the size of the regular dump.

Specify location of the wiki dump

  • In the build script, replace the following line:
add ('', 'text.init') {src_bz2_fil = '/your_directory/simplewiki-20130103-pages-articles.xml.bz2';}


// do not show a "Press enter to continue" at the end of the script
app.bldr.pause_at_end = 'n';

// run xowa.gfs

// import wiki; for more info see [[Dev/Command-line]]
app.bldr.cmds {
  // delete all files in directory; note that subdirectories and file databases ("-file.xowa") will not be deleted
  add     ('' , 'util.cleanup')          {delete_all = 'y';}
  // download main dump file; contains all articles
  add     ('' , '')         {dump_type = 'pages-articles';}

  // download categorylinks file; contains links from category to pages
  add     ('' , '')         {dump_type = 'categorylinks';}
  // download page_props file; contains information on hidden categories
  add     ('' , '')         {dump_type = 'page_props';}

  // start wiki import
  add     ('' , 'text.init');
  // import articles
  add     ('' , '');
  // generate search data
  add     ('' , '');

  // generate main category data
  add     ('' , '');
  // import category links
  add     ('' , '');
  // apply hidden categories
  add     ('' , '');
  // end import
  add     ('' , 'text.term');
  // import css into wiki
  add     ('' , 'text.css');
  // cleanup temp files; delete xml and bz2
  add     ('' , 'util.cleanup')          {delete_tmp = 'y'; delete_by_match('*.xml|*.sql|*.bz2|*.gz');}

// run cmds;



Getting started



