Dev/Config files/Files

From XOWA: the free, open-source, offline wiki application

XOWA currently saves its config files in multiple locations. These will be itemized at a later writing.

For the purposes of general use, you will generally be concerned with the following:

  • /xowa/xowa.gfs.
This is the main config file loaded by the application
Note that the xowa.gfs will change from version to version. Any change here will be lost during upgrades.
  • /xowa/user/anonymous/app/data/cfg/user_system_cfg.gfs
This config is used for changes made by the UI
These changes are meant to persist from version to version. However, they should not be directly edited by a user. Any manual change here may be lost in future versions.
Any API that shows up here is intended to be backward compatible. Note that this is not a guarantee, but it is the closest you will ever get. If any setting here needs to change, then XOWA will be responsible for automatically changing it.
  • /xowa/user/anonymous/app/data/cfg/user_custom_cfg.gfs
This config is meant for users to store their config settings.
It is not modified by XOWA at all. It will not be overwritten during upgrades.
However, note that the "gfs" syntax is not fixed, and may change from version to version. There should be no expectation of backward compatibility. If you need to make lots of custom changes, please notify me, and I will try to make the proper provisions in the UI, or "solidify" the API/object model.

Finally, note that the last two files are called at the bottom of /xowa/xowa.gfs


If you wish to disable them for testing purposes you can comment out these lines.



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