Options/Search suggest

From XOWA: the free, open-source, offline wiki application



Choose one of the following:

  • checked: Enables search suggestions in address bar; typing in the address bar will show suggestions in a drop-down list.
  • unchecked: Disables search suggestions in address bar; typing in the address bar will not show suggestions.
Max results

Maximum number of results to retrieve:
This option limits the maximum number of results. For example, a setting of 10 with a search term of "earth" will retrieve the top 10 pages with the word "earth" in the title.

  • For slower machines, decrease the number of words to 1. Note that the number must be greater than 0.
  • For faster machines, increase the number of words as per your liking.

Choose one of the following:

  • checked: Automatically adds a wildcard to every search suggestion. For example, "earth" will becomes "earth*" and match "Earth", "History of Earth", and "Earthquake". Note that the wildcard can be disabled by adding a space. For example, "earth " will match "Earth" and "History of Earth" but not "Earthquake".
  • unchecked: Does not add a wildcard to every search suggestion. "earth" will only "Earth" and "History of Earth"
Namespace ids

Enter list of namespaces to search:
This option specifies which namespaces to search. For more information, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:Namespaces

  • For the main namespace, enter in "0"
  • For all namespaces, enter in "*".
  • For specific namespaces, enter in the ids separated by a comma. For example, to search the Main, Wikipedia, Category, and Portal namespaces enter in "0,4,14,100"
Visible rows

Maximum number of results to show in visible area:
This option limits the maximum number of results shown on screen. This visible-rows number can be made less than max-results. For example:

  • A max-results of 100 and a visible-rows of 25 will show results #1-25 in the drop-down list, while results #26-100 can be seen using the drop-down list's scroll bar.
  • A max-results of 25 and a visible-rows of 25 will always show all results on screen. The drop-down list will not have a scroll bar
Page up / Page down increment

Number of rows to move when pressing page-up or page-down


Url format

Enter text to show in url bar for a given page

For example:

en.wikipedia.org|English Wikipedia/~{page_title}
de.wikipedia.org|German Wikipedia/~{page_title}

Here are some usage cases:

  • Wiki is en.wikipedia.org and page is Earth: English Wikipedia/Earth will show
  • Wiki is de.wikipedia.org and page is Erde : German Wikipedia/Erde will show
  • Wiki is fr.wikipedia.org and page is Terre: fr.wikipedia.org/Terre will show

This option has the following format:

  • Line-based: Each line represents a separate rule. A url will be compared against the rule, and if it matches, only that rule will apply. If it doesn't match, it goes on to the next line.
  • Match: The wiki domain part is the text before the first pipe (|). Think of this as "when in this wiki...". This can be a wiki domain (en.wikipedia.org).
  • Include: Think of this as "...show this text in the url bar". This can be text, or a token which will be replaced automatically. Note that tokens are flanked with ~{ and }. For example: ~{wiki_domain}


  • wiki_domain: The domain of the current wiki. For example, en.wikipedia.org
  • page_title: The page title of the current page. For example, History_of_Earth.
  • page_title_spaces: The page title of the current page but spaces are used instead of underscores. For example, History of Earth.



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